Results for 'Marta Valladares Anais'

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  1.  25
    Socio-demographic characteristics of teenage motherhood.Ramos Rangel Yamila, Borges Caballero Deyanila & Marta Valladares Anais - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):31-49.
    Fundamento: Los adolescentes constituyen un grupo vulnerable y la maternidad en esta etapa, una problemática de actualidad. Objetivo: exponer particularidades sociodemográficas y de la maternidad en madres adolescentes del municipio de Cumanayagua, en el período septiembre a mayo del año 2014. Método: estudio descriptivo, corte transversal. Se trabajó con el universo conformado por 35 madres adolescentes y sus hijos. Se operó con un formulario de datos sociodemográficos, el análisis de documentos y la entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados fueron procesados por el (...)
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    Mastery in Goal Scoring, T-Pattern Detection, and Polar Coordinate Analysis of Motor Skills Used by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.Marta Castañer, Daniel Barreira, Oleguer Camerino, M. Teresa Anguera, Tiago Fernandes & Raúl Hileno - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3. When Affective Relation Weighs More Than the Mug Handle: Investigating Affective Affordances.Marta Caravà & Claudia Scorolli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536329.
    Philosophers of embodied and situated cognition have provided convincing explanations of what objects do in affective processes (e.g., in emotion regulation). They have often used the concept of 'affective affordance' to account for the affective role of objects but it is not clear how this concept relates to other concepts of affordance, in particular those used in empirical works in cognitive science. We start to fill this gap by providing a new definition of affective affordances and we suggest a possible (...)
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    Practical wisdom: A virtue for leaders. Bringing together Aquinas and Authentic Leadership.Ignacio Ferrero, Marta Rocchi, Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini & Elizabeth Reichert - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (S1):84-98.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)Bulletin d'histoire des doctrines médiévales.Gilles Berceville, Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa & Adriano Oliva - 2011 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 95 (2):429.
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    Emotional and attentional predictors of self-regulation in early childhood.Arkadiusz Białek, Marta Białecka-Pikul, Magdalena Kosno, Karolina Byczewska-Konieczny, Irmina Rostek & Małgorzata Stępień-Nycz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):421-432.
    The development of self-regulation in early childhood is related to development of emotional regulation and attention, in particular executive attention. As the ability to self-regulate is crucial in life, it is important to reveal early predictors of self-regulation. The aim of the paper is to present the results of longitudinal studies on the relationships between the functioning of attention, regulation of emotion and later self-regulatory abilities. 310 children were assessed at three time points. At 12 months of age emotional regulation (...)
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    El pecado del cuerpo : la reformulación del joven Heideggerde la tentatio carnis agustiniana.Marta Figueras I. Badia - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:253.
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    Weaker cousins of Ramsey's theorem over a weak base theory.Marta Fiori-Carones, Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk & Katarzyna W. Kowalik - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (10):103028.
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    Repercusión del desarrollo de las neurociencias en la solución de problemas sociales.Marta Brown Martínez, Yamilé Valdés González & Edilberto González Ortiz - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (2):262-275.
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    Presentación.Lourdes Flamarique & Ana Marta González - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico:539-540.
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  11. Ripensare, oggi, il Carnevale. Premessa.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:235-242.
    The International Conference "Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea" was held online on the 16th and 17th of November 2020. We present twenty-two contributions coming from various fields of the Humanities and written in Italian, French, and German. This proceedings’ foreword traces back the thread that links these essays one with another, i.e., carnivalesque imagery between ritual and mythological dimensions. Moreover, this introduction provides a key to an interpretation of Carnival as a founding instance, both regenerative and (...)
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    The Effects of Brief Mindfulness Training on Attentional Processes: Mindfulness Increases Prepulse Facilitation but Not Prepulse Inhibition.Ole Åsli, Marta F. Johansen & Ida Solhaug - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mindfulness is intentional focus of one’s attention on emotions, thoughts, or sensations occurring in the present moment with a nonjudgmental attitude. Recently there has been increased interest in the effects of mindfulness practice on psychological processes such as concentration, focus, and attention. In the present study, a prepulse inhibition/facilitation paradigm was employed to investigate the effect of brief mindfulness practice on automatic attention regulation processes. PPI occurs when a relatively weak prepulse is presented 30–500 ms before a startle-inducing stimulus, and (...)
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  13.  30
    Acomodo de la diversidad, reconocimiento y justicia social.Marta Gil Blasco - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:113-136.
    En primer lugar, expondremos el trasfondo común que comparten las propuestas multiculturalistas y las intercultralistas, esto es, el particular énfasis que ponen en la necesidad de reconocimiento para la conformación de la personalidad y en las patologías que se derivan de la falta de reconocimiento. En segundo lugar, veremos algunos de los problemas que suscitan los planteamientos multiculturalistas: minorías dentro de las minorías, esencialismo y ausencia de cohesión social. En este punto también expondremos algunas de las propuestas del interculturalismo para (...)
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    Naturaleza y función del gobierno en Hume.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 33 (1):161-196.
    I explore Hume’s argument for the existence of government, in which he articulates psychological and social elements. Given the human tendency to satisfy the proximate above the remote interests, the fulfilment of the rules of justice, which makes social cooperation possible, must be warranted by the artifice of government. Once the government is in place, it also performs a coordinating function, which strengthens preexistent activities, such as commerce. Indirectly, the government fulfils also a civilizing function -/- Resumen. Se explora el (...)
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    The Emotions and Cultural Analysis.Ana Marta González - 2012 - Routledge.
    Amidst prevailing debates that construe rationality and emotionality as polar opposites, this book explores the manner in which emotions shape not only prevailing conceptions of rationality, but also culture in general terms, making room for us to speak of an 'emotional culture' specific to late-modern societies. Presenting case studies involving cultural artefacts, narratives found in fictional and non-fictional literature and television programs, speech patterns and self-talk, fashion, and social networking practices, The Emotions and Cultural Analysis sheds light on the relationship (...)
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    On locality once again: meso-structural relations in a globalized society.Krzysztof Gorlach & Marta Klekotko - 2011 - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska sectio I – Philosophia-Sociologia 36 (2).
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    Practical Identity, Obligation, and Sociality.Ana Marta González - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):610-625.
    In this article, I explore the way in which Korsgaard’s approach to obligation as springing from the reflective rejection of that which threatens one’s own identity can account for obligations towards others, without making the latter relative to obligations to oneself. To this end, I begin by stressing the role of reflexivity in ethical relationships, and show how this reflexivity is mediated by reference to law, which applies both to the self and to the other. On this basis, I then (...)
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  18. The Transformation of Platonic eidos and Its Consequences Regarding the Theoretical Perspective of Kant's Critical Philosophy.Marta De La Vega - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 135.
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    Completeness theorems via the double dual functor.Adriana Galli, Marta Sagastume & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 2000 - Studia Logica 64 (1):61-81.
    The aim of this paper is to apply properties of the double dual endofunctor on the category of bounded distributive lattices and some extensions thereof to obtain completeness of certain non-classical propositional logics in a unified way. In particular, we obtain completeness theorems for Moisil calculus, n-valued Łukasiewicz calculus and Nelson calculus. Furthermore we show some conservativeness results by these methods.
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    La repugnancia: de reacción fisiológica a emoción política.Marta Gil Blasco - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13 (13):137-152.
    La repugnancia es una emoción que pone de manifiesto la especificidad de los seres humanos como seres naturales y seres culturales. Es por ello que la repugnancia constituye un objeto de estudio privilegiado para la Neuroética. En el siguiente artículo trataremos de mostrar que la repugnancia no es una mera reacción fisiológica, sino que la evolución biológica y cultural ha hecho de ella una emoción enormemente compleja dotada de un gran contenido cognitivo. Veremos qué papel ha jugado el recurso retórico (...)
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    Fooling Them, Not Me? How Fake News Affects Evaluators’ Reputation Judgments and Behavioral Intentions.Simone Mariconda, Marta Pizzetti, Michael Etter & Patrick Haack - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    The volume of fake news in the digital media landscape is increasing, creating a new threat to organizations’ reputations. At the same time, individuals are more aware of the existence of fake news. It thus remains unclear how fake news affects evaluators’ reputation judgments. In this article, we draw on the distinction between first-order judgments (i.e., an individual evaluator’s reputation judgment) and second-order judgments (i.e., an individual evaluator’s belief about the reputation judgments of other evaluators). We integrate this distinction with (...)
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  22. Can export-oriented aquaculture in developing countries be sustainable and promote sustainable development? The shrimp case.Marta G. Rivera-Ferre - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):301-321.
    Industrial shrimp farming has been promoted by international development and financial institutions in coastal indebted poor countries as a way to obtain foreign exchange earnings, reimburse external debt, and promote development. The promotion of the shrimp industry is a clear example of a more general trend of support of export-oriented primary products, consisting in monocultures of commodities, as opposed to the promotion of more diverse, traditional production directed to feed the local population. In general, it is assumed that export-oriented aquaculture (...)
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    La interrupción del embarazo en comunidades tzotziles y tzeltales de los Altos de Chiapas.Marta Wójtowicz-Wcisło - 2022 - Anthropos 117 (2):397-410.
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  24. Gene Section.Sayka Barry & Márta Korbonits - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    MELENDO, TOMÁS, Dignidad humana y bioética, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1999, 186 págs.Ana Marta González - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:308-309.
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    Assessment of the Risk of Depression in Residents Staying at Long-Term Care Institutions in Poland During the COVID-19 Pandemic Depending on the Quality of Cognitive Functioning.Michał Górski, Marta Buczkowska, Mateusz Grajek, Jagoda Garbicz, Beata Całyniuk, Kamila Paciorek, Aleksandra Głuszek & Renata Polaniak - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The development of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the implementation of many procedures to safeguard against further increases in illness. Unfortunately, this has drastically reduced residents’ contact with their families, which has increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. This is particularly difficult in long-term care facilities, where the risk of developing depression is higher than in the general population.Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the risk of depression among the residents of long-term care institutions in Poland (...)
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    Entre croyances et pratiques de futurs enseignants de mathématiques au secondaire : une relation perméable.Vanessa Hanin, Anaïs Laurent & Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (2-3):107-128.
    The stability of low student math scores has been a concern of education systems around the world for many years. While teaching practices are pointed out as a determining factor in student engagement and the quality of student learning, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Much work has shown that these practices are strongly colored by epistemological beliefs as well as by beliefs related to the teaching and learning of the school discipline under investigation. On this subject, if (...)
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  28. La fuerza laboral de la comunicación comercial: radiografía del sector publicitario con enfoque de género.Marta Martín Laguno - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 75:141-151.
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    Attentional Control and Retrieval Induced Forgetting Self-regulation Perspective.Paweł Mordasiewicz, Marta Reszko & Alina Kolańczyk - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):56-69.
    Retrieval Induced Forgetting refers to the finding that the retrieval of some items from memory impairs the retrieval of related items. The RIF effect is indicated by a comparison of RP- with unrelated but also tobe- remembered items. Since RIF appears during intentional memorizing of words, therefore we checked whether it depends on attentional control involved in goal maintenance, and also if implicit evaluations of to-be-remembered contents moderate this process. In three experiments, each including AC as the independent variable, we (...)
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    The role of feedforward control in motor planning.Marta Olivetti Belardinelli & Demis Basso - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):896-897.
    In dynamical systems models feedforward is needed to guide planning and to process unknown and unpredictable events. Feedforward could help Theory of Event Coding (TEC) integrate control processes and could model human performance in action planning in a more flexible and powerful way.
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  31. Thomson Reuters e la valutazione della ricerca nelle scienze umane.Jim Pringle & Marta Plebani - 2009 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 13 (25):119-128.
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    Promoción de habilidades transversales por medio del Trabajo de Fin de Grado.Jorge Moya Velasco & Marta Torres Polo - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-11.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un modelo eficiente e integrado para la selección de habilidades personales, con la idea de inducir su adquisición entre los estudiantes de la universidad. Definidas las competencias de amplio espectro a mejorar, se sugieren herramientas y procesos para su consecución. En concreto, como trabajo aplicado, se ofrece el uso del Trabajo de Fin de Grado como guía para realizarlo. El método consiste en permitir al docente implicado en la tutorización del TFG la elección (...)
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  33. "Ubi fracassorium, ibi fuggitorium": Pulcinella e l’enigma della ricapitolazione del tempo.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:303-315.
    Who is Pulcinella? What does his laughter have to say about the "end of time" and the end of life of Giandomenico Tiepolo? How can the end of a life make anyone laugh like Carnival’s popular mask does? This article tries to answer such questions. By unfolding the tools that come from the realm of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy – notably the notion of "recapitulation of time" in its relation to comedy – we will trace a path which links Michail Bachtin’s (...)
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  34. Une rencontre entre la philosophie et la sémiotique de Peirce, l’Énactivisme et l’‘Esprit Étendu’. Perspectives sur un débat contemporain.Marta Caravà - 2019 - Interrogations 27.
    De nombreuses recherches contemporaines affirment que les idées centrales de l’énactivisme et de l’‘Esprit Étendu’ ont une origine pragmatiste. La théorie du signe de Peirce ainsi que sa sémiotique cognitive, le concept énactiviste de sense-making et l’externalisme cognitif de l’‘Esprit Étendu’ partagent des aspects théoriques fondamentaux. En raison de ces points communs je suggère que le pragmatisme et la sémiotique de Peirce peuvent offrir des perspectives intéressantes pour mieux comprendre le débat entre l’énactivisme et l’‘Esprit Étendu’. Je prends en examen (...)
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    La ética explorada.Ana Marta González - 2009 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
    Qué es la ética, cuál es su objeto, en qué relación se encuentran moralidad y felicidad, qué diferencia hay -si es que la hay-, entre ética y moral, así como el recorrido histórico que permite comprender la frecuente diferenciación de ambos términos, o de qué modo cabe plantear la enseñanza de la ética en una sociedad pluralista, son cuestiones que, de un modo u otro, gravitan sobre nuestras discusiones éticas. -/- Si, como ya viene siendo habitual observar, nuestros conflictos y (...)
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    Trajectoires de relocation du cinéma.Francesco Casetti, Marta Boni, Anne Querrien & Jacopo Rasmi - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):100-107.
    La notion de « relocation » désigne le déplacement historique du visionnage cinématographique vers des milieux et des objets nouveaux. Qu’il s’agisse de regarder une œuvre cinématographique sur une tablette dans un train ou bien d’assister à un match de foot dans la salle domestique d’un home théâtre, la dispersion de l’expérience cinématographique, en cours depuis longtemps, est significativement accélérée par les nouveaux media.
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    The Pending Revolution: Kant as a Moral Revolutionary.Ana Marta González - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (3).
    Kant controversially opposed political revolutions; yet, in morality, he clearly encouraged a revolutionary attitude. Drawing especially on the relevant texts in the Metaphysics of Morals, the Religion, the Education and the Anthropology, I explore the conceptual underpinnings of Kant’s position, arguing that Kant’s contrast between moral revolution and reform is at the basis of his twofold notion of noumenal and phenomenal virtue, which in turn explains the contrast he draws between principled versus imitative behaviour in the Education. On this basis, (...)
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    Empirical Bayes for Group (DCM) Studies: A Reproducibility Study.Vladimir Litvak, Marta Garrido, Peter Zeidman & Karl Friston - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  39. Credenza e forma di vita.Marta Cassina - 2016 - Nóema 7 (2).
    Come mostrare quel che non deve essere predicato, né fondato? Che vuol dire convertirsi da un modo di vita a un altro? Può un’etica dell’accettazione significare qualcosa di diverso da un’etica della rassegnazione? L’autrice dell’articolo cercherà di offrire una risposta a simili domande, centrali per la riflessione di Wittgenstein sulla "forma di vita", a partire da una sua certa somiglianza con l’interrogativo metodologico sollevato dall’universo della credenza religiosa.
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    Lenguaje-ficción-realidad: filosofía del lenguaje, lingüística, psicoanálisis.María Marta Foulkes - 1991 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  41. The problem of representation between extended and enactive approaches to cognition.Marta Caravà - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Bologna
    4Es approaches to cognition draw an unconventional picture of cognitive processes and of the mind. Instead of conceiving of cognition as a process that always takes place within the boundaries of the skull and the skin, these approaches hold that cognition is a situated process that often extends beyond human agents’ physical boundaries. In particular, supporters of the extended mind theory and of the enactive approach claim that embodied action in a perceptually complex environment is constitutive of cognitive processes, and (...)
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    Alcance y límites del deber de obediencia al gobierno según Hume.Ana Marta González - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):77-116.
    Se explora la justificación que ofrece Hume del gobierno en dos momentos, y, a partir de ahí, los argumentos con los que pretende salvar la posibilidad de la resistencia civil sin afirmar tajantemente un derecho a la resistencia. Para ello pone en juego su distinción entre obligación natural —u obligación de interés—y obligación moral —-avalada por el sentimiento. Al hilo de esta distinción puede señalarse un criterio para distinguir normalidad y excepción, y, eventualmente, el tipo de situación que podría respaldar (...)
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    Derecho natural y derechos humanos: síntesis práctica y complementariedad teórica.Ana Marta González - 1998 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):73-98.
    La idea moderna de derechos humanos y el concepto clásico de ley natural no son equivalentes. Ciertamente comparten la idea de que no toda ley es convencional. Pero más allá de esto, la noción clásica de ley natural es definida claramente en el marco de las virtudes y, consecuentemente, tiene una orientación más práctica y está atada más de cerca a la historia; la noción de derechos humanos, que han heredado las teorías modernas de los derechos naturales, conduce a la (...)
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    Naturaleza y dignidad: un estudio desde Robert Spaemann.Ana Marta González - 1996 - Pamplona, España: Eunsa.
    El uso habitual del lenguaje reconocía hasta hace todavía relativamente poco tiempo un sentido ético-normativo en los términos "natural" y "naturaleza". De un tiempo a esta parte, sin embargo, ha penetrado profunda¬mente en el sentido común epocal la idea de la diferenciación del hombre con respecto a la naturaleza. De ahí que, ante la invitación a secundar la naturaleza, no sea infrecuente escuchar la respuesta: "¿por qué? ¡si yo soy un ser racional, una persona!". Esta mentalidad coexiste culturalmente con la (...)
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    Types of Eating Disorder Prodrome in Adolescence: The Role of Decision Making in Childhood.Amy Harrison, Marta Francesconi & Eirini Flouri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Psychiatric disorders like eating disorders might be underpinned by differences in decision making. However, little previous research has investigated this potential relationship using longitudinal data. This study aimed to understand how components of decision making measured by the Cambridge Gambling Task in the United Kingdom’s Millennium Cohort Study at age 11 might explain clusters/types of ED prodrome involving body dissatisfaction, intention to lose weight, dietary restraint, excessive exercise and significant under/overweight measured in the MCS at age 14. Latent class analysis (...)
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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Marta García-Alonso, Jaime De Salas, Héctor Vizcaíno Rebertos, Aarón Vázquez Peñas, Francisco José Blanco Brotons, Carmen Herrando, Alfredo Esteve, José A. Zamora, José Sarrión Andaluz, María G. Navarro & Asunción Oliva Portolés - 2016 - Isegoría 54:307-362.
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    Resumos Nutrição Experimental dos Anais da XIX Jornada de Nutrição da Unesp de Botucatu JONUB.Anais da Xix Jornada de Nutrição da Unesp de Botucatu Jonub Jonub - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):36-40.
    Resumos Nutrição Experimental dos Anais da XIX Jornada de Nutrição da Unesp de Botucatu JONUB.
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  48. Identidad y subjetividad: materiales para una historia de la filosofía moderna. [REVIEW]Marta García-Alonso & David Teira Serrano - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):178-181.
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  49. Sergio Genovesi: Tracce dell’informe. L’indecostruibile e la filosofia dell’evento in Jacques Derrida. [REVIEW]Marta Cassina - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews 2.
    Recensione a "Tracce dell’informe. L’indecostruibile e la filosofia dell’evento in Jacques Derrida", opera prima di Sergio Genovesi, pubblicata da Mimesis Edizioni per la collana "Eterotopie".
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    A Review of Demographic, Medical, and Treatment Variables Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplantation during Childhood. [REVIEW]Trude Reinfjell, Marta Tremolada & Lonnie K. Zeltzer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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